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    Product Of The Week

    An influenza pandemic spreads across the nation in 1918 and 1919. As the cases grow, officials across the country decide to close schools. New York and Chicago decide to keep their schools open and send health care workers into the schools to closely monitor the conditions of the students and hygiene practices. In nine cities…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    During the summer of 1967, there were 158 riots in America. Much of the conflict in cities centered around the unfair treatment of African Americans and the need for recognition of their civil and human rights. Some have described it as the “Summer of Rage” as cities erupted in violence. On March 10th of that…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    This weekend I encountered the ever-lurking undercurrent of racism as I spent time in Augusta, Georgia, a city I once called home. It is a city where I grew up as a teen attending a high school named after the first African-American certified teacher in the state of Georgia, A.R. Johnson. Years later, working as…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    This weekend I attended a teacher job fair with members of my team. Each time I attend a job fair in metro Atlanta, feelings of anxiety and sadness enter my mind for a brief moment. It reminds me of the years I’d drive up to Atlanta from Macon or Augusta in search of a teaching…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    “The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.” Georgia Tech recently held their STEAM Leadership Conference. It was a virtual event, including presentations from educators around the country sharing their ideas and work around STEAM. Atlanta-based site artist Jeff Mather joined me to discuss the work he has been…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    The discussion of the role of the arts in public education has become virtually lost in light of the school closings due to the global pandemic. Many of our scholars find their greatest joy in those moments when they are able to freely create in art and music classrooms. Art and education can be seen…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    This is a lesson. If you’re guessin’ and if you’re borrowin’ Hurry hurry step right up and keep followin’ The Leader. Rakim, “Follow the Leader” Leadership has always been about being reflective, innovative, and pushing people out of their comfort zones. There are multiple needles to move to create a school that is vibrant, connected,…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    The bonds that exist between educators and families in small towns are unmatched in larger metropolitan cities. The tenures are more stable and a faculty’s community connections are as deep as family ties . It was 1983. Mrs. Doyle watched us file into her classroom as she clutched a handful of worksheets behind her back.…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    “I’ll play it first and tell you what it is later.” Miles Davis It was 1987. I was awakened during the middle of the night by the sounds of tambourines, drums, and syncopated wailings from the park at the intersection of King Circle Drive and Norwood Avenue in Swainsboro, Georgia. Those sounds were a mixture…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained Angels unawares. Hebrews 13:2 Just along Euclid Avenue, tucked away between a smoke shop and an African market, in one of Atlanta’s most eclectic neighborhoods is a Mexican restaurant that doubles as one of my favorite locations for writing on weekends. I…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    A writer must reflect and interpret his society, his world; he must also provide inspiration and guidance and challenge…One role of the writer today is to sound the alarm. E.B. White on the role and responsibility of the writer. This was to be our first year with a set of triplets in our school. Having…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    Corporal Punishment in Georgia Schools: 20-2-730, et seq. It may not be excessive or unduly severe or be used as a first line of punishment; it must be administered in the presence of a school official; a written explanation must be provided on request; and it may not be administered if a physician certifies that…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,— This debt we pay to human guile; With torn and bleeding hearts we smile Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar was only 24 years old when he published the poem “We Wear the Mask” in 1896. It was an…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

     “I’ve come upon something that disturbs me deeply. … but I have come to believe that we are integrating into a burning house. I’m afraid that America has lost the moral vision she may have had, and I’m afraid that even as we integrate, we are walking into a place that does not understand that…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    So I got locked into all of the analysisAnd found myself locked into a kind of paralysisAnd something was calling and I almost didn’t hear itBut I spent a lot of time being blessed by the spirits -Gil Scott Heron from “Don’t Give Up” I live in East Atlanta. At 7:45am, the streets of Lithonia…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    The journey is what brings us happiness, not the destination. Dan Millman It’s Dr. Seuss Day at Larchmont Elementary in 2016. We are in East Tacoma, a gritty neighborhood with industrial roots. Our students’ parents are a mix of immigrants, Tacoma natives, and tough working class families. In 25 minutes or so, the dismissal bell…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    We’d just ended our Title I Annual Meeting and as the parents began filing out of the cafeteria I saw one parent approaching me and smiling. I knew her well from afternoon dismissal. Her daughter was one of our best 5th grade students and I’d recently remarked to her mother that her daughter’s report card…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    Analytical psychologist Carl Jung introduced the concept of ‘synchronicity’ in the 1920’s as the principle of “meaningful coincidences”. Nothing that occurs in our complex lives is an accident. Events that have no causal relationship are meaningfully related. My most recent experience with synchronicity occurred as I joined a conference call with fellow principals in our…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    The week preceding the Thanksgiving Break is a busy one for any school principal. There are evaluations to be completed and parent events that require attention. In my movements through Marbut’s hallways over the last few weeks I’ve encountered two fourth grade students who continue to politely remind me that they would like to meet…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    Walking through Atlanta’s Little Five Points neighborhood is a Saturday ritual for me. From Moreland Avenue, I find my usual table in the corner of Sevananda Natural Foods Market and observe the steady flow of eclectic patrons pouring into the iconic store. I’ve been visiting Sevananda since the early 90’s and the experience has always…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    Barrier: an obstacle that prevents movement or access. The string of islands we refer to as the barrier islands protect the mainland from storm surges. These islands have a history of their own of barriers, overcome by the will of courageous individuals who survived enslavement, challenged discrimination, and reshaped the social order. On the evening…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    One of the best lessons I learned during the first months of my principalship was that diplomacy matters. In a life of service, verbal assaults become par for the course. Think Jackie Robinson. Think MLK. Think Barack Obama. Are you able to rise above the rumors, the attacks and accusations and focus on the work?…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    Sometimes I feel like I’m just standing in place, ain’t no real race.Ain’t no other side. Life is like a circle and you end up where you started. If you end up where you started ain’t no other side. -Gil Scott Heron, The Other Side Our timing and God’s timing for our lives don’t always…

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  • Hand-Picked

    Product Of The Week

    courage noun .   cour·age | \ˈkər-ij,  ˈkə-rij\ .   : mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty This month I’ve been talking to students about how to display courage.  In order for our young people to understand how to embody courage, we must show them examples of those who have confronted obstacles and risked comfort…

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